Friday, February 25, 2011

Legend of Sonic: Plauge of the Dark King Chapter 2

 Chapter 2

            The small boy ran forward through the large crowd of people that had amassed in front of a nearby stand. There was a lot of commotion coming from the place, peaking the small boy's interest. He squeezed through the people that where packed tightly together and found a man waving a bow before the crowd. But why would that cause so much fuss? The boy wondered. He was answered by the salesmans next pitch of the item.

            "That's correct ladies and gentlemen! This is the very bow that the Hero of Time himself used to save use all from the Dark King! I'll start taking offers for 100,000- no 500,000 rupees!"

            The crowd slowly began to quite down as people finally saw that they were being strung along. A simply bow for 500,000 rupees? Nothing, not the bow of a hero or even the hero HIMSELF, was worth all that money. Angry looks began to spread like wildfire amongst the crowd as, one by one, they began to walk away. The seller began to lose his composure.

            "No! Wait!" he shouted, trying to stop people from leaving, "Um...d-did I say 500,000?! I meant 5,000...1,000!?"

            The boy turned on his heels and began walking away himself. The Hero of Time? Boring.

            A faint wind carried the various sounds of the town through the window of the room. Though the castle was a good distance away, you could always here the hustle and bustle of the town in the daytime. And it was because of this and a few of the helpers around the castle that she had begun hearing about the rumors. That more and more, people were beginning to loss interest and even all together disbelieve the stories about the Hero of Time....about Link....It saddened her to no end, the thought of everything that he sacrificed being taken for granted like they were.

            A faint knock drew Zelda's attention away from her thoughts of Link. "Come in." she called.

            The door opened and a knight stepped in. He wore no helmet, so she knew who he was the second he came in. He was still new by the standards of the other knights, despite the fact that he had been with them for over a year now. He was still young, barley into the prime of his life. But she could always tell who he was from the sandy blonde hair that hung over in his sky blue eyes. She would note frequently that he reminded her of Link from a distance.

            She smiled, "Hello Birain."

            Birain bowed deeply. "Good day milady." he answered, his voice gruff. He straightened himself, his face was an iron mask bereft of any emotion. He was here for something important. "Your father wishes to see you Princess. He says that it's a matter most urgent. He had me came to get you at once."

            Zelda realized that her heart had started beating a little faster. Birain was one of the only people she could talk to in the castle, and he was usually never this serious. He normally would be finding ways to left Zelda's spirits and giving her words of wisdom and encouragement. Now, however, there was nothing to suggest that this was the same person.

            "What does he need? Is something wrong?" she asked.

            The expression on Birain's face softened a bit. "I don't know. He only asked me to get you and bring you to him as soon as I was able. I rushed over here as fast as I could."

            She nodded. Her father would have never sent Birain unless it was important. He had proven himself to be a very skilled warrior, rivaling the Hero of Time himself some said. As much as she liked Birain, however, she couldn't help but think that that was a bit of an exaggeration. Despite her thoughts thought, Birain was almost always on watch these days. The fact that he was here to get her told her that this was important.

            She quickly rushed out of the room, Birain following closely behind her. Despite the castle's large size, it took her only a matter of minutes to reach her father's bedchamber. Birain automatically stood by the door as Zelda went in, closing the door carefully behind her. She looked across the room at her father, the ruler of the Kingdom of Hyrule. He sat on the edge of his bed; his face looking like it was sagging slightly. The once healthy color that had been present in his face was all but gone now, replaced by the pale overshadow of sickness.

            He looked up when he heard the door close. His eyes seemed to blaze beneath his work and worry weathered brow, despite his ill condition. He stood and looked at her.

            “ wonderful daughter...I'm afraid that I must voice a very grave concern to you, as it could very well be that last thing that I can say to you.” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

            Zelda walked over to her father and gripped his shoulders. “Don't say such things. You'll get better soon Father, you'll see. Just lay back down and save your strength.” she said, trying fiercely to keep her voice from breaking. It didn't help anything when she pulled him down to sit and he did so without much resistance however.

            He waved her hands off of his shoulders and turned to face her. “I fear that a great evil may be coming for our kingdom once again.”

            Zelda could feel the blood drain from her face. “Ganondorf?”

            The king shook his head. “I do not know. All I know for certain is that we are in grave danger.”

            Just as the King said these words, Zelda could hear many of the knights yelling out side. She looked out the window to find that almost all of them were running toward the town.

            “What’s happening?” she yelled to the soldiers. One looked back and shouted as he ran, “The town is under attack by monsters!”

            The princess looked back at her father. He simply stared at the floor. “So…it begins again.”

Friday, February 18, 2011

Legend of Sonic: Plauge of the Dark King

'Many people have been interested by the possibility of other worlds than our own. It's a area that is untapped, untouched. A fresh start. However, the problem with fresh starts. Fresh mistakes...' - Unknown.

THE LEGEND OF SONIC: Plague of The Dark King

Chapter 1

            ....It was another great day in the Acorn Kingdom. People wandered about the streets, the chatter of daily life coating the air. Children ran through the streets, enjoying the beautiful weather. Yes, things were normal. Which meant that at any moment...?

            A wall of wind tore through the streets, the leaves from the trees of the forest following closely behind. A blue blur ripped past the people, who actually didn’t seem to surprised by this accuracy. Then again, when you lived on Mobius, you were rarely surprised when Sonic the Hedgehog came through. The hero who had saved the Kingdom of Acorn and the whole planet of Mobius as well. With his sonic speed and carefree attitude, Sonic was very well liked among the people. As were the rest of the Freedom Fighters, who had been defending the kingdom from the evil of Dr. Robonik( A.K.A Dr. Eggman) and several other threats such as a liquid creature named Chaos, the robotic Metal Sonic, and Scourge the Hedgehog just to name a few.

            Sonic was enjoying yet another great day. It had been months since Egghead had shown his ugly face around anywhere, and he was making the most of it. He had been off doing whatever he felt like for the past couple of days, just enjoying the rare peace and quiet the kingdom was getting. Today, however, he had a place to be. Miles Prower, a.k.a Tails had called him yesterday. Tails had something very important to show Sonic.

            ‘I think I discovered something BIG Sonic. I need you to come to my workshop as soon as you can!'

            Sonic, naturally unable to deny his 'little brother' had taken off at breakneck speed to reach him. He had been on the other side of the planet when Tails called.

            Sonic ground to a halt just a few feet from the massive building just outside the town. Sonic could not help but reminisce about when the building had been so much smaller. Tails never stopped building though. He was always making something. And that's why the kingdom was doing as well as it was in Sonic's opinion. Not because he was always helping to defend it, but because bright thinkers like Tails were hard at work trying to improve everything. He stopped at the door and quickly dusted of his sneakers.

            "Can't have these being dirty." Sonic said to himself. After he was satisfied with their look, he knocked. He heard a lot of commotion inside. A crash one second, the sound of something hitting something else. Then a yell. After about 5 minutes of waiting, the door finally opened. Standing in the door was a bright-eyed fox, the goggles on his head fogged up and covered with grease, as was most of the fox kid. His two tails twitched slightly as he rubbed his head.

            "Hi Sonic!" he said excitedly, then started rubbing his head faster.

            Sonic grinned. "Hi ya lil' bro. Get hit on the noggin?'"

            Tails nodded. "Yeah. When I heard you knocking, I got in too big a hurry and jumped up while I was under the Tornado making repairs...then I hit my foot on a metal pipe...and tripped over a cord...." Tails trailed off, embarrassed.

            Sonic smiled and laughed. "And you tell ME to slow down? This thing you wanna show me must be pretty sweet if it's got ya this worked up."

            Tails' ears perked up upon hearing Sonic's comment, and he suddenly looked VERY excited. "OH YEAH! The machine I made! That's right! I'd forgotten that I wanted to show it to you!” Before Sonic could say another word, Tails spun on his heels and raced into the depths of his workshop. Sonic chuckled to himself a little and walked in, the door closed silently behind him.

            Tails' workshop was in major disorder, more so than usual, which struck Sonic as odd. While no one else could find anything in here usually, Tails never even had to think about where something was. A yet now, he was racing all over the floor of his workshop, moving parts and cloth covers for machines that he wanted to keep dust free. Sonic simply grabbed a chair, sat down, and waited. He had never seen Tails this worked up over something that didn't involve Eggman or certain planetary doom.

            It wasn't too long thought before Tails pushed something on a wheeled cart over to the space he'd cleared in the center of his workshop. He stopped finally for the first time since Sonic had arrived and looked to him. "This," Tails said, gesturing toward the tarp covered object, “is what I wanted to show you."

            Sonic stood and sauntered over to what he could only guess was a machine. He walked around it twice before looking at Tails. "'s a tarp alright."

            Realization spread across Tails' face. He blushed slightly and swiftly removed the tarp. Sonic's initial guess had been right. It was a machine. However, it looked far more different than most of what Tails usually built. It was sleeker and shined. I didn't look like it was made of metal at all. It was arch shaped and tall, with a mini Star Post on the very top. Sonic whistled. "Pretty sweet Tails. So, what's it do?" he asked.

            "You know how we use the Star Posts to travel to the Special Zone and to the alternate Mobius?" Tails asked.

            "Yeah. So?"

            "This machine can send someone to a completely different world. A different UNIVERSE if I'm right." Tails explained, unable to hide the excitement his voice.

            Sonic started nodding. "Pretty cool Tails. Have ya tested it yet?"

            Tails began rubbing the back of his neck. "That's the thing. I...Uh...haven’t actually put it through an official test run. That's actually why I asked to come here."

            Sonic was sitting back down. He had grabbed the chair and brought it to the spot they were talking at and sat down without Tails even realizing. "Okay. I'm all ears."

            "You see, the thing is that if I am right, and this machine does transport someone to a different world, there is no telling what will be on the other side of it. And you know that I'm not all that fast...or at least, not as fast as I was wondering...”

            "If I'd test your machine out for you. Right?" Sonic finished.

            Tails nodded. Sonic closed his eyes and exhaled, seeming slightly frustrated. Tails immediately felt bad for asking. Sonic looked back at him and grinned.

            "Did you really think I'd say 'No'? Of course I'll help." he said.

            Tails' head snapped back up and he smiled. He had a determined look now. "Okay then! Let’s get started!"


            A half hour later, Tails had everything set up. He had the Star Portal (as that was what he had come to name the machine) hooked up to several different power generators. He was messing with dials and knobs and switches at a nearby control post on the upper floor of the workshop. He looked down at Sonic, who was still sitting in the chair he had been in earlier.

            "Okay. I'm powering up the Star Portal. You ready Sonic?" Tails called to him.

            Sonic grinned and gave Tails a thumbs up. Tails gave Sonic the same signal and flipped a blue switch on the control panel. There was silence for a second, followed by the sound of power being drained from the generators. The lights of the workshop began to dim and flicker as a light began to flicker to life inside of the arched machine. Just as the whole workshop went dark, it was lit up by the soft glow of an open portal. Sonic stood, eyes fixed on the machine.

            "So what now?" Sonic asked as Tails slid down an access ladder to his far left.

            "That's the thing." Tails said, running up beside him. "I don't think that there's anything else except walk through."

            Sonic gave Tails another one of his famous grins. "Then I guess that's what I'll have to do." He began walking toward the portal.

            Tails couldn't help but feel anxious. "Be careful Sonic. I'm still not 100% sure what will happen."

            Sonic got up close to the portal, examining it closely. Then he looked back at Tails. "Well, let’s test it. Shall we?"

            Sonic stepped through the portal.

Interoir Monologue: Jason Stormheart 3rd

I can't believe my motorcycle ran out of gas, and in the middle of nowhere no less!! I can't believe this....Uh? Oh, great. There's a gas station up the road. Maybe now I can get rolling again. I'll have to make this quick. There is no telling who or what could be behind me.
Wow. This place is kind of...trashy. Guess who ever runs the place hasn't heard of regular maintenance. Hold on. Is that the restrooms?

*sniffs air slightly*

Ugh! Why the hell does it smell like sweat and shame!? Oh, yeah. I'm getting out of here as fast as possible. The guy at the register looks about as inviting as this place. He doesn't smell much better than the bathrooms either. Here, just take my money I can get gas and get the hell o-, DAMN! Damn, the guy at the register got hit!

Who the hell? What?! Axel?! Why’s HE here?! Damn, I've got to make a break for it. Damn, duck! What did he throw at me? Was motorcycle?! It's ruined! Alright, you bastard! You wanna play like that?.... HA! Bet a bolt of lightning to the chest is gonna ruin your day!

Huh? Holy Sh-!! He phased out before the bolt hit. Damn it! This is gonna be more complicated than I expected. I've gotta get out of here and fast. Now, calm. Think. He can phase, but not other people. Only himself....I've got it. Just got to get in close. Wait for it. Wait for (did he just throw a cow at me?) it.......Now!
Good. I got him enough to paralyze him.

"Damn you! I can't fail! If Overlord Belzz finds out, I'm a dead man."

"Sorry kid. I'm not just going to let you kill me."

Time to get out of here.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Writing Practice 2/1/11

The road out of Washington was surprising void of cars. For the first time since I had been in the state, there was nothing to be seen on this single long stretch of road. This day hadn't gone at all like I had hoped it would, and to say that I was frustrated would have been an understatment. I hated that I was going to have to go back to the rest of the group totally empty handed.

Socolir stopped and began growling across the road at the tree line the lined the opposite side of the road. I looked in the direction he was glaring and slowly reached for my sword.

"What's up Soc?" I asked.

'We've got company.' he answered through our mental link.

Just as he answered, a cloaked figure emerged from around a tree without so much as a sound. It walked at a steady pace to the middle of the road and stopped. The person, as I hoped they were human, stood in that spot for many minutes without saying or doing anything. We just stood in the middle of this rain soaked road. Eventually, however, I had to break the silence.

"Huh. Rain day. No sun? Strange person coming out of the woods without making any kind of noise....let me guess....Vampire?"

The cloak waved a little in respone to a shocked motion. "No. Not even close." a female voice answered from under the cloak. They reached up and drew back the hood, reveiling the face of a teenage girl with short brown hair. She looked very serious and focused. Which wouldn't have worried me as much had she not been so focused on ME.

"My name is Jenny. I’m here to take you to the Overlord. He told me to capture you alive, but if you try to fight..." she trailed off, as if she were thinking then continued with ", well, let's just say that I may doing alot of small jobs for a while."

"Sorry, but you won't be doing either one." I went to pull on my sword when I heard the click of a gun to my left and something metal being put against my temple.

"Don't move." an other female voice warned in a low and threatening whisper.

"?! How in the hell?"
"Like I said, don't try to fight. Indigo can get a little jumpy sometimes. It would be a shame to have her plant a bullet in your head because of a misunderstanding. Wouldn't it?" The girl named Jenny said with a small grin.