Friday, February 4, 2011

Writing Practice 2/1/11

The road out of Washington was surprising void of cars. For the first time since I had been in the state, there was nothing to be seen on this single long stretch of road. This day hadn't gone at all like I had hoped it would, and to say that I was frustrated would have been an understatment. I hated that I was going to have to go back to the rest of the group totally empty handed.

Socolir stopped and began growling across the road at the tree line the lined the opposite side of the road. I looked in the direction he was glaring and slowly reached for my sword.

"What's up Soc?" I asked.

'We've got company.' he answered through our mental link.

Just as he answered, a cloaked figure emerged from around a tree without so much as a sound. It walked at a steady pace to the middle of the road and stopped. The person, as I hoped they were human, stood in that spot for many minutes without saying or doing anything. We just stood in the middle of this rain soaked road. Eventually, however, I had to break the silence.

"Huh. Rain day. No sun? Strange person coming out of the woods without making any kind of noise....let me guess....Vampire?"

The cloak waved a little in respone to a shocked motion. "No. Not even close." a female voice answered from under the cloak. They reached up and drew back the hood, reveiling the face of a teenage girl with short brown hair. She looked very serious and focused. Which wouldn't have worried me as much had she not been so focused on ME.

"My name is Jenny. I’m here to take you to the Overlord. He told me to capture you alive, but if you try to fight..." she trailed off, as if she were thinking then continued with ", well, let's just say that I may doing alot of small jobs for a while."

"Sorry, but you won't be doing either one." I went to pull on my sword when I heard the click of a gun to my left and something metal being put against my temple.

"Don't move." an other female voice warned in a low and threatening whisper.

"?! How in the hell?"
"Like I said, don't try to fight. Indigo can get a little jumpy sometimes. It would be a shame to have her plant a bullet in your head because of a misunderstanding. Wouldn't it?" The girl named Jenny said with a small grin.