Friday, February 18, 2011

Interoir Monologue: Jason Stormheart 3rd

I can't believe my motorcycle ran out of gas, and in the middle of nowhere no less!! I can't believe this....Uh? Oh, great. There's a gas station up the road. Maybe now I can get rolling again. I'll have to make this quick. There is no telling who or what could be behind me.
Wow. This place is kind of...trashy. Guess who ever runs the place hasn't heard of regular maintenance. Hold on. Is that the restrooms?

*sniffs air slightly*

Ugh! Why the hell does it smell like sweat and shame!? Oh, yeah. I'm getting out of here as fast as possible. The guy at the register looks about as inviting as this place. He doesn't smell much better than the bathrooms either. Here, just take my money I can get gas and get the hell o-, DAMN! Damn, the guy at the register got hit!

Who the hell? What?! Axel?! Why’s HE here?! Damn, I've got to make a break for it. Damn, duck! What did he throw at me? Was motorcycle?! It's ruined! Alright, you bastard! You wanna play like that?.... HA! Bet a bolt of lightning to the chest is gonna ruin your day!

Huh? Holy Sh-!! He phased out before the bolt hit. Damn it! This is gonna be more complicated than I expected. I've gotta get out of here and fast. Now, calm. Think. He can phase, but not other people. Only himself....I've got it. Just got to get in close. Wait for it. Wait for (did he just throw a cow at me?) it.......Now!
Good. I got him enough to paralyze him.

"Damn you! I can't fail! If Overlord Belzz finds out, I'm a dead man."

"Sorry kid. I'm not just going to let you kill me."

Time to get out of here.

1 comment:

  1. Some phrases that resonated with me:

    "smells like sweat and shame" "Sorry kid. I'm not just going to let you kill me"

    Excited to read the rest of the vignettes about this character!

    Mrs. Onkst
